About Splash Media

About Splash Media

Discover the Essence of Splash Media: Driven by Passion, Dedication, and Diligence.

Our foundation is built on a deep-seated passion for marketing, unwavering commitment to our craft, and relentless hard work. We believe in going the extra mile, not just to meet but to exceed expectations. Our team pours its heart and soul into every project, big or small, ensuring we deliver results and excellence. From brainstorming sessions to execution, our journey is a blend of creativity, strategic planning, and a continuous pursuit of innovation. It’s this dedication that sets us apart and makes us a trusted partner for businesses in Salt Lake City and beyond.
Company Values

We are Splash Media

Our approach is personalized and hands-on, ensuring that we are not just service providers but partners in your success.We’re more than just a marketing agency; we’re a part of your team, dedicated to your growth and success in the competitive Salt Lake City market and beyond. With Splash Media, your objectives become our mission, and your success becomes our success.


To be the catalyst of innovation in marketing, transforming Salt Lake City's business landscape into a hub of global digital excellence.


To be the catalyst of innovation in marketing, transforming Salt Lake City's business landscape into a hub of global digital excellence.
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We empower businesses with groundbreaking marketing strategies that blend creativity, data-driven insights, and local expertise to drive unprecedented growth and success.


We empower businesses with groundbreaking marketing strategies that blend creativity, data-driven insights, and local expertise to drive unprecedented growth and success."
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Think Bold. Market Smarter. Lead Change.


Think Bold. Market Smarter. Lead Change.
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Meet Our Team

Leadership Team

Meet the visionaries behind SplashMedia—Randy Harrison and Teresa Chavez. With a combined wealth of experience spanning over 40 years in the dynamic realm of marketing, they founded this innovative agency to revolutionize the industry. Randy’s strategic prowess and Teresa’s creative brilliance converge, driving SplashMedia to new heights. Their passion fuels a commitment to delivering unparalleled solutions, setting the standard for excellence in modern marketing strategies.

Teresa C.

COO and Founder

Trusted by International Brands

What we do

Make a splash in your industry!

From SEO to social media management, we offer a range of services designed to amplify your brand’s presence.


From conventional T.V Radio ads to Digital marketing including Social Media, SEO and more.

Web Development

Effective websites and applicationss specific to your industry and catered to your audience.

Branding & Design

We creatively translate your vision into a compelling and memorable identity in Utah.


Vibrant possibilities with Splash Media's print services, bring your brand to life

Ready to Make a Splash with Your Brand?

Dive into the world of effective marketing with Splash Media! Don’t let your brand just be another drop in the ocean.